Fox Red Labrador
The Red Fox Labrador is less well-known than other Labrador breeds. They are mainly used as service dogs and family pets due to how friendly they are. They are also very intelligent dogs, who are used for a wide range of different tasks. Whether it be working as an animal model or actor, or within a completely different industry, the fox red Labrador is the perfect working dog.
Red Fox Labradors are a much rarer breed of Labrador, that is sociable and easy-going. They are suited well for modelling and acting jobs due to their playful and loving nature. They are relatively large dogs, making them stand out more amongst other animal breeds. These intelligent dogs have very good socialisation skills and respond very well to training. Red Fox Labradors are very happy dogs and they work well with other animals, such as cats.
To make sure that all of our Red Fox Labradors are suitable for modelling and television, they are checked by the Urban Paws team for any medical conditions. The Red Fox Labradors also have their training and obedience levels checked to see if they are suitable for working in busy environments, such as a studio.
Contact Urban Paws UK
If you would like to inquire into any one of our Fox Red Labrador dog breeds or would simply like to speak to a member of the Urban Paws team, please do not hesitate to get in touch on either our London number 020 8161 6556, our Manchester number 0161 808 1667 or our email address