Meet Zeo!
Meet the cutest Papillon dog model, Zeo. The Papillon, also called the Continental Toy Spaniel, is a breed of dog, of the spaniel type.
He is extremely beautiful and has a very cute snout that is white and contrasts with his black facial fur. He has large brown eyes that are majestic and soulful.
Zeo is a spirited, loving and charming dog. He is extremely loving and well socialised with people of all ages. He loves meeting new people and wags his tail with excitement whenever he sees friends or strangers, small but might Zeo has alot of love to give!
Zeo has very basic training, but ideal for stills photography being held or cuddling up to a human companion. People comment on his ‘show dog’ walk, he has a sassy canter and regal walk.
An ideal pet talent for photography briefs of basic filming roles.
Zeo has onset experience having worked for Shark Ninja.