Meet Teddy!
Introducing Teddy the mixed breed dog for hire. Teddy is a handsome Yorkshire Terrier crossbreed. Mixed breed dogs are in high demand in advertising and marketing in that they don’t represent a particular breed and then to appeal to a wider audience.
Teddy is a young, lovable and playful character. He is a happy, friendly little terrier who loves life and spending time with his siblings Toby and Bee, as well as his immediate doggy family. He is confident to run with the pack, but will return when he hears his clicker or whistle.
Trained to a good standard, Teddy has all basic commands. He will respond from a distance to voice commands. As well as being well trained, Teddy is also well socialised and can work alongside people of all ages including children or other dogs. Eager to please, and quick to learn, Teddy responds well to handling especially where treats are involved.
Overall, Teddy the mixed breed dog is suitable for a range of media briefs requiring pet talent.