Meet Rudi!
Welcome Rudi, the flat coated Retriever dog talent. Rudi is liver in colouring, similar to chocolate with the most expressive face. The Retriever is one of the most recognisable breeds in advertising and marketing. The breed are also a popular family breed in the UK and great with children as a family pet.
Rudi is a very friendly and a well socialised animal. He is happy to be handled by strangers and will respond to commands from actors on set. He has great basic training and can also perform a few tricks. Rudi will respond from a distance and will happily respond to clicker training and voice and hand signals.
If you’re looking for an eager dog talent with lots of drive then Rudi is the model for you. He also has a very good off switch and will happily lay on a sofa or relax with his on-screen family if needed. Rudi is also ball obsessed and is ideal for any action play shoots especially if jumping into water to retrieve.
This agile and versatile Retriever for hire, makes an ideal pet talent for a range of skills including stills and moving image.