Meet Rodney!
Urban Paws Uk is proud to showcase Rodney, the handsome Pug dog model. He is one loyal and loving pet who has a beautiful aura around him. Rodney has a gorgeous shiny black coat colouring which makes him stand out in the crowd. French Bulldogs are extremely popular at the moment in the UK. They are an excellent family dog, with their gentle nature and very easy to work with.
He can also work with other dogs and cats on set for a variety of advertising and marketing campaigns. This Pug talent is highly photogenic and loves posing for the camera. He isn’t shy about wearing pet clothing and accessories and is also agility trained. Rodney has just started trick training classes which makes this little man suitable for a wide variety of briefs for talented animals.
Rodney is not shy and is very used to standing in front of the camera for his owner on Instagram and has done a photoshoot with a professional photographer. This little man is also used to being in a studio environment in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by people and loud noises. This experience makes him a perfect candidate for photoshoots and film sets alike.