Meet Purdy!
Kent, South East
Meet Purdy the pretty Persian! This stunning Persian cat model for hire poses well for the camera, making her an ideal candidate for product placement marketing. Purdy is an indoor and outdoor cat, making her accessible to a wide range of media briefs.
True to the breed, Purdy has a relaxed personality and is comfortable in most environments, and around humans and animals alike. As well as being extremely photogenic, Purdy is an intelligent feline and responds well to known commands.
Training checklist:
- Animal-friendly
- Can be placed in position
- Can style hair
- Can work outdoors
- Child-friendly
- Come
- Food motivated
- Give paw
- Happy to be groomed
- Happy to be handled
- Harness/lead trained
- People-friendly
- Positional work
- Product placement
- Recall
- Sit
- Stay
- Travels well
- Wears pet clothing + accessories
- Work from a distance
- Works with props