Meet Milo!
Milo is a striking Xolo dog model, also known as a Mexican Hairless dog. You don’t see many in the UK, making Milo a unique dog due to his hairlessness. This striking boy is quiet, calm, happy and well behaved great attributes for a pet model and he can work from a distance. Working from a distance is important onset to get the shots of the pet model quickly and easily.
He is happy to work with other dogs and he is well socialised, happy and confident. Milo is also great around people including strangers and children, and great for lifestyle or travelling photoshoots or promotional videos requiring pet talent.
This Xolo dog model will make your next marketing campaign stand out from the crowd.
Milo is brilliant at modeling for photos and has already done two photoshoots and loved it. He received great acclaim being told he was the best dog both of them had worked with.
He has modeled for Green Pantry Dog food.