Meet Mickey!
Meet Mickey, the stunning Lurcher dog model for hire. He is very well socialised and well trained, a wonderful dog with a beautiful temperament. He can take commands from others as long as he knows a good fuss is coming his way as a reward! Hand signals are being introduced but Mickey currently responds to voice commands. You know Mickey likes you if he then leans on you…typical lurcher lean.
Mickey just loves other dogs and he is happy to work with them on set and with other animals. He spends a lot of time around stables with horses, he has also met sheep and goats. This Lurcher dog model for hire is fine with cats once formally introduced. He can also work with children as long as they are gentle with him.
Overall, Mickey is suitable for film and photography media according to his skill set and is a very sweet-natured dog.
He has recently been featured in VetTimes because of his background story. Also, Mickey worked with high-end fashion brand MSGM which required Mickey to work alongside models which he did with no issues.
In addition, he was pictured for the Wood Green Charity’s remodel of their website, Mickey was pictured with models and was a delight on set!