Meet Juno!
Meet Juno a Nova Duck Tolling Retriever. This energetic and intelligent dog talent is curious, determined and loves to swim in water. True to her breed she possess all the attributes of a real life action dog. Juno gives it her all when in working or play mode.
Juno is well socialised and very affectionate with all that she meets. She get on well with people of all ages including children. A fantastic dog, She can happily play the role of the on-screen family pet with no issues.
She thrives on mental and physical stimulation. Juno is well trained in basic training and more. She will respond to commands via voice and hand signals and picks up new cues and behaviour quickly.
Juno loves to be adventurous and thrives on learning new behaviours where she interacts with humans, making her ideal for set life. She also enjoys being the centre of attention, getting the occasional snuggle and affection from humans. She adapts to new and/or busy environments quickly and is able to relax when feeling safe.
Juno’s determination is evident when it comes to problem solving. That, along with her high-energy and prominent good looks makes her an ideal Retriever for hire for a range of film and TV briefs.
She has taken part alone or together with another toller dog Templar in multiple photo shoots with a local professional photographer capturing her in still and active poses. She also took part promoting the sport Canicross on the ITV programme The Pet Show (episode 8).