Meet Hunter!
Meet Hunter, he is a fully brown, short-haired, working cocker spaniel dog model and pet influencer. He has a full tail and stands at a medium height. His huge ears really make him stand out from the crowd and his fun-loving attitude is sure to make a difference in your next advertising campaign.
Hunter is a fun and lovable dog model who loves attention and being around people. He loves people, including children (he sits nicely to receive attention) and is good with other dogs.
Hunter has worked for various brands and has vast experience working with high-end brands such as Guru. He has also worked with Boden.
Hunter has worked with Pretzel films.
Hunter’s recent work includes participating in a promotional advert for Sky Sports The Hundred, and with Aldi for their famous ‘Pet Specialbuy‘ and Christmas release.
Recently, Hunter was booked for Aldi’s Christmas brochure modelling for the latest Christmas products for pets, as well as a photoshoot for their latest Magazine.