Meet Barney!
Barney is a handsome male fox red Labrador dog talent. He is a complete softy at home and mastered his retrieval skills from always carrying a teddy around the house with him. This handsome Labrador model is obedient and gentle to handle, he is willing to work in most environments.
He will take instructions from strangers including children, and although can sometimes be sensitive with new people, he is a true Labrador and will always work for a treat. Being food motivated onset is a great way to get Barney to respond to commands.
He responds to verbal cues as well as a whistle for recall and hand signals for sit & stays commands. Barney enjoys the company of other dogs as he regularly mixes with other dogs with a dog walker and whilst working. This happy chap will wear pet clothing & accessories with no issues, ideal for pet-related brands.
In all, this hard-working pet is very keen to please and thrives on encouragement and reward. This pet is ideal on set and won’t disappoint with his cute head tilt and dreamy puppy dog eyes!
His most recent experience has been with SiliDog, promoting their new silicon dog tag range.