Meet Bailey!
Introducing Bailey the handsome chocolate Labrador for hire. The Labrador is a popular family pet and thus an easily recognisable breed in advertising and marketing. He is a slim fit Labrador being small for his breed but he is extremely agile with stunning green/hazel eyes.
Typical of his breed, Bailey is very loving and loves affection from all that he meets. He has been well socialised from a young age and has no issues being able to work alongside young children. He likes to walk around with his soft toys when greeting people. The Labrador is a calm and relaxed breed by nature. Bailey is a typical chocolate Labrador who loves food and loves water alike.
Trained to a high standard and a reliable animal extra, Bailey has all basic commands and more. Bailey will confidently respond to commands via voice and hand signals, ideal for when onset. His love of water make his an ideal pet talent for action shots. Furthermore, he is great with other dogs and cats too making him a versatile dog talent.
Overall, Bailey the Chocolate Labrador for hire is an ideal pet suitable for a range of media roles.
He has previously worked with Paws & Presto a dog drying company, photoshoot and video shoot.
Has his own Instagram account @labradors_oscarandbailey, worked with Barbour, Pooch&Mutt and many others on instagram.