Meet Audrey, Harley & Sherlock!
Welcome to the enchanting world of travel pets, guided by the Spanish petfluencers: Audrey and Harley the Chihuahuas, and Sherlock the Devon Rex. They are here to share their expertise on pet-friendly hotels, recommended routes, establishments, best photo spots, cafes, attractions, and museums, and provide helpful tips for a smooth journey. They also offer insights into pet supplies, featuring only the products they trust and recommend.
These micro-influencers may come as a trio, but they certainly have their own unique qualities! Sherlock, the clever and adorable cat, excels in unpacking and participating in various activities. Audrey, the photogenic and kind-hearted pooch, steals hearts with her cuteness and friendliness towards everyone she meets. She is the ultimate model for capturing those adorable photos that will melt your heart. Last but certainly not least, there’s Harley, the most energetic and adventurous of them all! She fearlessly climbs mountains and has a remarkable ability to remember her toys by name. She excels at creating captivating travel content. Both Audrey and Harley are seasoned travellers, well-versed in posing for photos and videos, and have even attended swimming school to enhance their water-loving skills.
Join these Spanish petfluencers as they explore the world, documenting their journey. Whether it’s sharing fashion tips or uncovering pet-friendly destinations, Audrey, Harley and Sherlock have you covered!
This trio are quite the experts, they have worked with the likes of Petkit, Skymee, YowUp, Waudog & many more.