Amelia and her talented animal companion, Orbie, form an extraordinary duo for hire known across the United Kingdom for their captivating demonstrations of skill and charm. Together, they have made a significant impact in the educational sphere as influential performers and animal actors. Orbie’s remarkable abilities, coupled with Amelia’s expertise in dog training, have earned them a spot on the Urban Paws Agency’s roster of exceptional pet talents. Their partnership is a perfect blend of professionalism and creativity, making them highly sought-after for a variety of projects.
Orbie, a highly skilled dog, is adept at performing an array of tricks that continually impress audiences. With Amelia’s guidance and dedication, Orbie has mastered both basic obedience and advanced trick work, showcasing a level of discipline and intelligence that captivates everyone they encounter.
Amelia’s passion extends beyond dog training; she is a multifaceted individual with a wide range of interests. Her love for creative activities like painting, photography, and videography allows her to bring a unique artistic touch to their performances. Additionally, Amelia’s skills in hula-hooping, skipping, and baking showcase her versatility and enthusiasm for learning new things. She also maintains an active lifestyle through cycling, walking, and regular workouts, keeping both herself and Orbie in top form for their performances.
Amelia and Orbie’s strong bond, combined with their professionalism and love for what they do, make them an outstanding team. Their ability to adapt to different environments and their undeniable chemistry make them a perfect fit for educational, entertainment, and media projects. Together, this extraordinary duo for hire continue to inspire and delight audiences, proving that they are much more than just a talented duo—they are a force to be reckoned with.