Meet Freya!
German Pointer
City of London, London
Training checklist:
- Animal-friendly
- Can be placed in position
- Can work outdoors
- Can work with water
- Catch a treat
- Child-friendly
- Come
- Dog-friendly
- Follow
- Food motivated
- Give paw
- Happy to be groomed
- Happy to be handled
- Hold pose
- Jump into an object
- Kiss
- Licks lips on command
- Lie down
- Look at me
- Neutered
- Positional work
- Product placement
- Pull off socks
- Raise paw
- Recall
- Retrieve an item
- Run into arms
- Shake on command
- Sit
- Sit on platform
- Spin/Twist
- Stay
- Stop
- Swimming
- Travels well
- Vet-friendly
- Wears pet clothing + accessories
- Will wear a GoPro
- Work from a distance
- Works with props