5 Reasons Why You NEED Puppy and Kitten Therapy 🤯
Here at Urban Paws🐾, we understand that our furry companions can profoundly impact our emotional health and well-being. This is why we take immense pride in curating a diverse selection of therapy pets for your corporate events, through Puppy and Kitten Therapy! 🐶🐱
Now, you might be wondering how these adorable creatures work their magic on your mood👇🏻👀
👋🏼 Here are five quick ways that puppy and kitten therapy can brighten your day🌈:
1 – Cuteness Overload
The gentle, affectionate nature of the animals can instil in us a sense of calm and warmth. This will inevitably improve our mood 🥰
2 – Therapeutic Touch
Engaging in the simple act of stroking and petting animals can redirect our focus. This is parallel to the soothing effects of meditation 🧘
3 – The LOVE Factor
Research indicates that spending time with puppies and kittens can allow us to release oxytocin, which is famously known as ‘The Love Chemical’ ❤️
4 – Forging Bonds and Healing Hearts
Embracing this form of therapy allows us a deeper connection with animals. This can also offer relief from a range of physical and mental concerns 🏋️💭
5 – Beyond Emotional Comfort
Moreover, the benefits extend far beyond emotional well-being!
These include reduced blood pressure, enhanced cardiovascular health, and the development of vital social skills 🦋
Uncover a sense of inner peace by booking our puppy and kitten therapy services today. They certainly are the PAW-fect addition to your corporate events! 👫💫
Find out more about our puppy and kitten therapy opportunities!