Meet Samwell!
Samwell is a handsome Labrador dog talent who has a fantastic temperament and kind-hearted nature. This Labrador is very friendly, affectionate, and eager to please. True to his breed he is very family orientated and is incredibly intelligent. He picks up new commands relatively quickly and loves to learn.
Samwell has been very well-socialised from a young age and gets along very well with other dogs. He is also cat-friendly and horse-friendly as he has been brought up with cats and horses and is confident working with other animals on set.
This Labrador dog talent is comfortable being around children and new people including strangers, therefore, enabling him to be able to work with a variety of models or actors on set. This handsome Lab is more than happy to take commands from other people and aims to please, true to his breed.
He has been attending puppy training and then obedience classes every week since he was 8 weeks old. Samwell also attends agility classes and has recently attended a scent training class and classes specifically focussing on weave training.